
Did you know?

Approximately 50% of all claims submitted fall under Information and Communication technology (ICT), primarily focused on computer hardware and software. ICT claims can be some of the most challenging to get approved, as code and development change at a breakneck pace without sufficient documentation. Commenting and documentation are seen as overhead when code written is not necessarily code that is used.

Furthermore many solutions could be seen as routine by the CRA, including front-end design, as such its key to document the novel approach you undertook, the challenges, and also the iterations you went through in developing your product. These could be pictures from your simulations, commit logs with sufficient detail of the obstacles you encountered, drawings and revisions of different hardware iterations, test logs and test data, etc.

Other advanced technologies are typically easier to qualify as SR&ED (Greentech, electrical product design, IoT, advanced materials, etc.). However, it is important to document the reason for the experiments to determine if the experimentation is Experimental Production (EP) or Commercial Production and Experimental Development (CP + ED). Particularly when dealing with pilot plants and prototypes, not understanding the above can lead to a grossly miscalculated claim and big surprise when the CRA reviews your file. Furthermore routine and experimental development are easy to conflate, when incremental revisions in hardware design are performed.

Types of Companies we Serve

  • Financial and banking software – Fintech
  • AI
  • Enterprise software, Cloud, SAAS, desktop software
  • Mobile applications
  • Digital media & content delivery
  • Greentech
  • Game and game platform development
  • RFID
  • Advanced Materials and coatings
  • IoT
  • Shared Economy
  • Mobile and Wireless telecommunications
  • Application development & integration
  • Hardware design & development
  • IT consulting


  • Overcoming Software Performance, Reliability, Scalability, and Security issues
  • Development of new algorithms
  • Trying different system architecture approaches
  • Developing middleware to integrate products
  • Development into a smaller footprint
  • Integration of technologies not typically integrated
  • Problems between analog and digital components
  • Developing a new material or a new application for an existing material
  • Technology to reduce pollution or GHGs
  • Developing new biofuels
  • Semi-conductor development

Why work with SRED Solutions?

100% Track Record

We know what it takes to get your claim approved ... everytime

Team of Experts

Deep expertise in relevant court cases, documentation requirements, and audit issues

Proven Process

Regular non-invasive reviews help you painlessly document your work